Square Enix have revealed that they are working on a Guardians of the Galaxy game. The trailer, released during their E3 2021 showcase, showed us fan-favorite characters Star-Lord, Rocket, Groot, Gamora, Drax, Mantis, and Cosmo the Space Dog. Eidos Montreal, the team behind the Deux Ex franchise, are developing this original adventure.

Along with highlighting the beloved cast of characters, the reveal trailer gave us a few glimpses of some of the equipment that you can use in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. Most excitingly, it seems that Peter Quill’s jet boots will be used to jump long distances, and it looks brilliant. Here’s hoping that you can fly around freely too, even if just for short distances.

Of course, everyone’s favorite talking tree made an appearance, but he seems to have a furry friend. In the hero line-up at the end, Groot is cuddling up to a blue llama (and it has a ginger wig). Guardians of the Galaxy will certainly introduce us to many exotic creatures, but we need to see more of that blue llama. Why is it blue? What’s it called? Is it Groot’s pet? We have so many questions, but we won’t be waiting long for answers.

Square Enix revealed that Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy launches on 26 October 2021. With just a few months to go until launch, we can’t wait to hear more soon. When we do, we’ll be sure to let you know.

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy launches 26 October 2021 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5, and PC.

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